PSL Meetings Log
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In case you missed a meeting, or you want to know what we're planning next:

Here is a log of our meetings, including:

  • discussion notes,
  • who was present,  as well as
  • directions for our next study.


PSL Meeting times/days:

For Spring Semester 2007

We have decided to postpone this semester's meetings, due to the difficulty in scheduling.  We'll try firing it up again in the Fall. 

 We shall start with a study of the Minor Prophets.  Don't miss it!

Location:  Library main floor conference rooms (preferably 208, east or 213, west; each seats eight at the table).

Look for a small piece of masking tape on the phone just outside the Library doors with the room number on it (Unfortunately, the Lib. staff won't post anything for groups).


Fall Meetings 2007 (second year of PSL)

January 31, 2007 Meeting


What we did

Planning ahead



Note: Below are previous semester's meeting notes.

4th year, 2nd semester: 2009
4th year, 1st semester: 2009

Notes here

3rd year, 2nd semester: 2008

Notes here

3rd year, 1st semester: 2008

Notes here

2nd year, 2nd semester: 2007

Notes here

2nd year, 1st semester: 2007

Notes here

Fall 2006 (second semester)

September 1, 2006 Meeting

Present: Randy and Dan

What we did:  Listened to the presentation by Mark Hitchcock (streaming video): located at

Planning ahead:  Finish that presentation; perhaps begin the presentation by Thomas Ice at the same location; discussion.

Orientation:  This semester we plan on examining the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy specifically, perhaps beginning with that prophecy before we turn to other areas. 


September 8, 2006 Meeting

Present: Randy, Emiliano, Kit, and Dan.

What we did:  Talked about preferences for the focus of study for the semester.  Came up with some additional ideas; prayed about them; will make some concrete decisions next week.  Power was out throughout campus, so we sat in BH 106 talking, ending in prayer.

We came up with six ideas: (1) Focused study of Ezekiel 38-39; (2) Survey of Prophets; (3) Survey of various viewpoints about the Rapture, Tribulation and Millennium; (4) View a Daniel study video (Emiliano's) and follow-up with discussion; (5) View the remaining Calvary Chapel talks and follow-up with discussion, perhaps combine with idea 4; (6) Do a study of several main symbols or forms used in Scripture, tracing them through Scripture so as to gain a better understanding of them in prophecy.

Planning ahead:  Decide on a specific plan for the semester and begin work on it; perhaps view the Thomas Ice presentation on the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa site.

Notes:  I am seriously considering moving the website elsewhere because of the high commercialism at, including the obnixious ads they increasingly post to websites.  I'm looking into as a possibility.


September 15, 2006 Meeting

Present: Randy, Emiliano, Kit, Marisol, Joseph, Marilyn, and Dan.

What we did:  (1) Decided on a way to get started for the semester: We'll be looking at Jack Kelly's five articles on Ezekiel 38-39 as a springboard into other areas that get our attention.  (2)  Read through Matt. 24, observing who we thought each section was intended to for (who the intended audience was, ultimately).

Planning ahead:  Dan will make copies of the articles and get them out to people, either at the next CCC meeting (Tues. 11:00), or the next PSL meeting (copies will be left in Dan's box in the hallway down from his office).  He will try sending them as an attachment in an email as well.  Dan won't be able to make it to the next PSL meeting; everyone else still plans to meet at the regular time.

Jack Kelly's articles can be located online at:

An alternate Prophecy Scholars League site is being constructed at:


September 22, 2006 Meeting

Announcement: A folder is in Dan's box in the hallway near his office (BH building); it has copies of the article we'll start looking at.  Randy may have it with him when we comes.  Michelle Brock in the Humanities Division Office has instructions to open the room (BH 106).  Remember that another class comes into that room at 12:00.  We can start in with some in-depth study of those articles next meeting.


September 29,  2006 Meeting

Present: Randy, Emiliano, Allen, Joseph, Dan.

Discussion:  Read and discussed first of Jack Kelley's articles on Ezekiel 38-39.  Our plan is to look at these four articles, then move on to other related topics the group finds interesting. 


October 6,  2006 Meeting

Present: Randy, Marilyn, Joseph, Alyson, Kit, Dan.


1.  Read and discussed second of Jack Kelley's articles on Ezekiel 38-39.  We'll tackle article #4 next week, and the last article the week following.

2.  Discussed the idea of viewing the six-part Maranatha Prophecy series (sponsored by Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa some week ago). (See Sept. 1 notes.) 

3.  Also discussed idea of having a larger invitation to their viewing (DLI, NPS, CSUMB, and MPC).

4.  We may seek out a new location for the remainder of the semester (if Dan can find one) so that we don't have to leave the room right at 12:00.  As it is now, we have another class coming in, and they're waiting patiently at the door for the noon hour to strike.  We may find a room in the library.  It probably won't be internet-connected, but they do have all the normal audio-visual equipment.


1.  Remember that Campus Crusade for Christ will be having two more Arise praise and worship nights this semester.  The next one is on Nov. 4th at 7:30pm, and the one after that is on Dec. 2nd at 7:30 pm.  Both are held in the Music Hall on campus here at MPC.


October 13,  2006 Meeting

Present: Randy, Alyson, Emiliano, Joseph, Carla, Dan.

Announcement:  We're changing the meeting location!  Because the students coming into the next class in BH107 really need to get in there on the hour, we thought it might be better if we met somewhere else, perhaps where we don't have to get out right on the hour.  So we went down the library and reserved a small conference room (208).

Next week, then, we'll start meeting in the library, in one of those conference rooms on the main floor.


1.  Didn't get to the third article of Kelley's.  Instead, we discussed two main ideas: (1) Implications of the Gog Invasion occurring soon; and (2) the theory of a post-rapture scenario for the Gog Invasion.


October 20,  2006 Meeting

Present: Emiliano, Randy, Alyson, Joseph, Nicole, Dan.


1.  Jack Kelly's Part 3.

2.  Using idioms to describe what the prophet saw in his vision or dream.

3.  WW III has already begun, we surmised.

4.  Approaches to discussing differences and commonalities with muslims.


October 27,  2006 Meeting

Present: Emiliano, Randy, Alyson, Joseph, Marilyn, Dan.


1.  Jack Kelly's Part 4, Conclusion.

2.  Alberto R. Rivera, Ex-Jesuit Priest, who died around 1997 (Emiliano brought a comic reader about the inner workings of the Catholilc church and the beginnings of Islam).


November 3,  2006 Meeting

Present: Kit, Randy, Joseph, Marilyn, Dan.


1.  Psalm 83 as a possible prophetic text that coincides with Ezekiel 38-39, and three questions regarding its relationship to other events past or future.

Reasons Pslam 83 may be linked to Ezekiel 38, 39:

1.  Psalm 83 describes the events in Ezekiel 38-39.
 a.  conspire against your people. v.3
 b.  want them eliminated. v.4
 c.  one plot/one alliance. v.5
 d.  destroyed  with fire.  v.14
 e.  destruction alludes to mountain. v.14
 f.  destroyed with a storm. v.15.

2.   Psalm 83 describes many of the same enemies in Ezekiel 38-39.
 a.  Edom. v.6
 b.  Ishmaelites. v.6
 c.  Moab. v.6
 d.  Hagrites. v.6
 e.  Gebal. v.7
 f.  Ammon. v.7
 g.  Amalek. v.7
 h.  Philistia. v.7
 i.  Tyre. v.7
 j.  Assyria. v.8
 k.  descendents of Lot. v.8

3.  Psalm 83 describes the dynamics of warfare involved in Ezekiel 38-39.
 a.  as Midian. v.9
 b.  as Sisera and Jabin. v.9
 c.  Oreb and Zeeb. v.11

4.  Psalm 83 describes the same motives of the attackers in Ezekiel 38-39.
 a.  erase memory of Israel. v.4
 b.  take possession of the pasturelands of God. v.12. (allusion from past enemies' motives)

5.  Psalm 83 describes the motive of God's defense in Ezekiel 38-39.
 a.  so that men will seek your name, O Lord. v.16
 b.  they be ashamed.
 c.  they should know that "you, whose name is the Lord -- that you alone are the most High
  over all the earth"  v.18.

1.  Could this refer to another past event?
 a.  possibly II Chron. 20?  Problem: the detail does not correpsond to II Chron. 20.

2.  Could it refer to another, yet future event?
 a.  possibly a battle  within the Armageddon campaign.
 b.  it does not  rule out the possibility of a prophetic double reference.

3.  If it does refer to Ezekiel 38-39 invasion, why isn't there more correspondence in the nations identified?
 a.  while there is a significant amount of correspondence already, what we notice is that:
      1.  it could be adding detail to the Ezekiel references to "the many peoples with you,"
   and "the coastlands," and
      2. the reference to the mountains and bordering lands may indicate how near some of these attackers will be.  The focus is on the "descendants of Lot" (Ps. 83:8), but  it includes "even Assyria"  (v.8); a nearby focus, but far countries are included.

Other scholars who identify Psalm 83 as being prophetic and specifically corresponding to Ezekiel 38-39:

1. Grant Jeffereys cited Psalm 83 as descriptive of Ezekiel 38 in his weekly prophecy program on TBN, Bible Prophecy Revealed (TBN, Nov. 15, 2006).

2.  Hal Lindsey does an analysis of Psalm 83 in his weekly prophecy program, The Hal Lindsey Report (Aug. 6, 2006).  He observed the timing of the book of Pslams recently discovered in a bog in Ireland and the events going on in Israel right now, a coalition of nations coming against Israel, seeking their destruction.


November 12,  2006 Meeting

Present: Emiliano, Randy, Alyson, Joseph, Marilyn, Dan.


1.  Study:  Why Study Prophecy?

Other items:

1.  Handed out the Minor Prophet Survey study.

2.  Thanksgiving break next week.   Will meet the following week.


December 1,  2006 Meeting

Present: Emiliano, Randy, Alyson, Joseph, Marilyn, Dan; guest: Jackie.


1.  Principles of Interpretation of Prophecy: examined some advanced by David L. Cooper and Roy Zuck.

Looking ahead:

1.  Will meet in BH 106 (where we started this semester) for an end-of-year fellowship time; we plan on listening to Thomas Ice talk about the concept of a rapture, as taught throughout Scripture and history.

Spring 2006 (our first semester)

First meeting of Prophecy Scholars League:  2Mar2006

Present:  Dan, Mike, Randy, Gina, Don, Emeliano, Daniel.

Introduced the idea of the club, what a reading group might entail, and what we wanted to tackle first.  Introduced ourselves and got to know one another a bit.

Decisions:  Decided to look at the "End Times Prophecies I and II" (on Timeline Charts page) as an introduction and overview.  Copies were handed out, and we agreed to build a timeline together as we walk through the basic structure of future events using that outline.

For next time: (1) talk about "process" of discussion, and review tips and suggestions for a quality discussion; (2) provide some graphics for study, either in hard copy and/or on white board; and (3) make a PSL sign for the door and/or outside on some kind of stand (to help guide people in if they are wondering which building or classroom it is in).

9 March Meeting

Present:  Gina, Paula, Randy, Dan.  (Rachelle and Mike popped in for a short time.)

Handed out a chart timeline of end-time prophecy.

Campus Crusade for Christ's Arise worship event announced:  Sat., March 18th at 7:15pm in the college Music Hall.  For more info, email  You can find flyers on wall next to Dan's office (BH103F).

Lecture and discussion of overview timeline.

Randy brought some extra prophecy books -- now being kept as a prophecy library in Dan's office (BH103F).  If you want to borrow one, come on by.  If anyone else has extra prophecy books they'd be willing to contribute to the PSL library, just let us know.  We will post a list of them on the web page as well (see PSL On-Campus Library page).

Next time:  We will start on the End Times I list, examining specific Scriptural texts related to each event.

Planning ahead:  Be thinking about which direction you would like our in-depth discussion to go.  If there are no other preferences, Dan would like to examine the Gog-Magog invasion (Ezekiel 38-39). 

There are so many interesting questions/issues for us to examine in the coming weeks.  Here are just a few:  (1) Placement of the New Jerusalem during the Millennium, (2) Rulership of David during the Millennium, (3) Country of Antichrist's origin, (4) Various resurrections throughout history, (5) Length of time of the Tribulation as related to the prophet Daniel's 70 weeks of years prophecy, (6) Physicality of the Rapture, (7) Locations of battle during the last conflict of Armageddon, (8) Nature of the Millennium for resurrected believers and the world's inhabitants, (9) Physical changes that occur in Israel and the rest of the planet during the Millennium, (10) Design of Jerusalem and the Temple during the Millennium.

15 March Meeting

Present:  Emiliano, Zabdi, Randy, Gina, Mike, Dan.

Announcements:  Website update (4 pages added); Arise worship on Sat. 18th; More books added to PSL library; Terrorism article handed out ( ).

1.  Randy gave a report on Jerusalem Countdown (2006, Hagee), especially as it related to Randy's work on numbers as symbol indicators of cities and people.

2.  Examined the Regathering of Israel, and previewed the Rapture of believers.  Handed out sheet on principles of interpretation in anticipation of the discussion on differing views of the rapture.

Next time:  begin with the second point on overview outline (Rapture of believers), and will go as far as possible toward pts. 3 and 4; since we will be looking at various viewpoints on interpretation, we will look at hermeneutics (principles of interpretation) as well.

23 March Meeting

Present:  Emiliano, Kenia, Randy, Allan, Dan.

Announcements:  Website update; Article handed out; Looked at PSL website; Looked at Hal Lindsey website, focused on the Hal Lindsey Report audio files available for download.

1.  Examined the Rapture event, different views of it among Christians.

Next time:  begin with third point on End-Times Events sheet, continuing our survey of events; will look at hermeneutics more closely as well.

30 March Meeting

Present:  Randy, Allan, Dan, Paula, Marilyn, Mike.

Announcements:  Website update: PSL Library items now listed.

1.  Examined point three on our events: the rise of the antichrist.

2.  Discussed the problem of determining whether there are two separate Babylons identified in Revelation, one religious and one economic, or whether they might be one and the same.

Next time:  begin with 4th and 5th points on End-Times Events sheet, continuing our survey of events.


Spring Break:  no meetings until April 20th.


20 April Meeting

Present:  Randy, Allan, Dan, Gina, Marilyn, Mike.

Announcements:  upcoming Arise music event on Sat. at 7:15pm in the Music Hall; handed out two articles (one on preterist views and another on how Israel is God's timeclock).

1.  Examined point six and seven on our events: Gog/Magog invasion, and the main events of the Tribulation period.

2.  Discussed the placement of the Gog invasion on the timeline, relative to the Tribulation; various theories explained; tried to problem-solve the placement within the Tribulation, vs. overlap with the Tribulation, vs. completely separate from the Tribulation.  The best arguments were for overlap or complete separation. 

Next time:  begin with first point on second part of End-Times Events sheet, continuing our survey of events.


27 April Meeting

Present:  Randy, Allan, Dan, Gina, Marilyn, Mike, Emiliano.

Announcements:  none.

1.  Handed out 3 articles:

(a.)  "Iran tests radar-avoiding missle" (31Mar06, The Jerusalem Post).

(b.)  "Wake up, America" (17Apr06, Washington Times).

(c.)  "A real-life terror threat" (Apr 2006,

2.  Listened to Hal Lindsey's 12Feb06 report on the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies.

3.  Discussed relationship between USA and Gog invasion, revisiting theories as to why the USA does not appear to be indentified in end-times prophecy.

4.  PSL Library check-in/check-outs.

Next time:  begin with first point on second part of End-Times Events sheet, continuing our survey of events.


4 May Meeting

Present:  Randy, Gina, Mike, Emiliano, Marilyn, Dan.

Announcements:  none.  It was the National Day of Prayer.  Some members met at the MPC flagpole at noon, prior to the meeting, to pray for the nation, its leaders, MPC, and local pastors.

1. Discussed chapters 6-8 of Revelation. 

2. PSL Library was available.

Next time

1.  Begin chapter 9 in Revelation (on second part of End-Times Events sheet, continuing our survey of events).

2.  Investigate the Greek terms for "harm" in Rev. 6:6 and 7:3 ("adikeses") and look for connections and possible significance.


18 May Meeting

Present:  Allan, Randy, Gina, Mike, Emiliano, Marilyn, Dan.

Announcements:  CCC is going to have a table on campus during the MPC gaming clubs event in the Student Center.

1. Discussed chapters 9-12 of Revelation. 

2. PSL Library was available.

Next time

1.  Begin chapter 13 in Revelation (on second part of End-Times Events sheet, continuing our survey of events).

2.  The next PSL meeting will be the last for the Spring semester.  Dan will be teaching over the summer, so if PSL members are interested in continuing over the summer, let him know.


25 May Meeting (PSL mtg. #10)

Present:  Allan, Randy, Gina, Emiliano, Marilyn, Dan.

Announcements:  This will be the last PSL meeting of the semester; will start again in the Fall.

1. Listened to the 14May06 Hal Lindsey Report on-line.

2. Hot coffee/chocolate and cookies available for all.
