Useful Links and Book List
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Here are some resources for PSL members. 

It is divided into 3 sections:

1.  A collection of links to charts and maps.

2.  Links to other excellent prophecy websites.

3.  Reading list. (We can keep adding to this as we further our studies.  It would be great to add comments to each book or article; make it an annotated bibliography for all of us to use.)


Links to Useful Maps and Charts
Bible Prophecy site Daniel's 70 weeks of years

The prophet Daniel's 70 weeks of years prophecy and chart.

Bible prophecy site constructed by Dan.

Various charts illustrating timetables in prophecy.

Walvoord's Order of Events Sketch

Dr. John F. Walvoord's projected order of events regarding Israel, the Nations, and the Church (from his book Prophecy Knowledge Handbook).


Useful Prophecy Sites
Hal Lindsey's Oracle site

Notes to come.

Jack Kinsela's Omega Letter

Notes to come.

Olive Tree Ministries site

Notes to come.

John Hagee Ministries

Notes to come.


Prophecy Update site Notes to come.
Prophezine site Notes to come.
Prophecy Forum site Notes to come.
Lambert Dolphin site Notes to come.



Prophecy Bibliography



1.  This is a suggested reading list. 

2.  When it comes to basic commentaries on the book of Revelation, look look for Walvoord (1996), Lindsey (1984), LaHaye (1999), Cooper (1972), Ryrie (1968), and Smith (1989).

3.  This is not our lending library, although we're doing our best to mirror most of these in our collection. 

4.  If you know of anyone who would want to make a financial donation for this library, so we can get some of these volumes, even if at a used bookstore, please contact us. 


William Barclay

Letters to the Seven Churches.  2001.  Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, KY.


Rev. Douglas Connelly

Daniel: Spiritual Living in a Secular World.  A LifeGuide Bible Study.  1986.  InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL.


David L. Cooper, Th.M., Ph.D., Litt. D.

1.        An Exposition of the Book of Revelation. 1972.  Biblical Research Society, Los Angeles, CA.

2.        The 70 Weeks of Daniel.  1941.  Biblical Research Society, Los Angeles, CA.


Robert D. Culver, Th.M., Th.D.

Daniel and the Latter Days.  1954.  Moody Press, Chicago, IL.


Walter M. Dunnett, Ph.D.

Revelation: God`s Final Word to Man.  1967.  A Moody Correspondence Course.  Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL.


Michael D. Evans

The American Prophecies.  2004.  Warner Faith: New York, NY.


Dr. Billy Graham

Approaching Hoofbeats. 1983.  Word Books, Waco, TX.

Storm Warning.  1992.  Word: Dallas, TX.


George Grant, Ph.D., Litt.D.

The Blood of the Moon.  2001. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN.


Dr. John Hagee

1.       From Daniel to Doomsday.  1999.  Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN.

2.       Knowing the Secrets of God.  2000.  Thomas Nelson Pub., Nashville, TN.

3.       Beginning of the End.  1996. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN.

4.       Day of Deception.  1997. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN.

5.       Final Dawn Over Jerusalem.  1998. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN.

6.  Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World.  2006.  Front Line: Lake Mary, FL.


Mark Hitchcock

     1.  Is America in Bible Prophecy?  2002.  Multnomah Publishers, Inc.: Sisters, OR.

     2.  The Second Coming of Babylon.  2003.  Multnomah Publishers, Inc.: Sisters, OR.


Dr. David Hocking

Israel and Bible Prophecy.  1991.  Biola Hour Study Guide.  Biola University, Inc.


Dr. Tim LaHaye

     1.  Revelation Unveiled. 1999.  Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI.

     2.  Are We Living in the End Times?  1999.  (with Jerry Jenkins).  Tyndale House Publishers: Wheaton, IL.

     3.  The Merciful God of Prophecy.  2002.  Warner Faith: New York, NY.

     4.  The End Times Controversy.  2003.  (with Thomas Ice)  Harvest House Publishers: Eugene, OR.

     5.  The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy.  2004.  Harvest House Publishers: Eugene, OR.


Hal Lindsey

1.       The Rapture. 1983.  Bantam Books, NY.

2.       The 1980`s: Countdown to Armageddon.  1980.  Bantam Books, NY.

3.       The Promise. 1982.  Bantam Books, NY.

4.       The Terminal Generation. 1976.  Bantam Books, NY.

5.       The Late Great Planet Earth.  1970.  Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI.

6.       The Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad. 2002.  Oracle House Publishing, Murrieta, CA.

7.       Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth.  1972.  Zondervan, Grand Rapid, MI.

8.       There`s a New World Coming, Updated Ed. 1984. Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR.

9.       Combat Faith.  1986.  Bantam Books, NY.

10.   The Final Battle.  1995.  Western Front, Ltd., Palos Verdes, CA.


Alfred Martin, Th.D.

Daniel: The Framework of Prophecy.  1963.  Moody Correspondence Course.  Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL.


Joan Peters

From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine.  1984.  JKAP Publications: Chicago, IL.


Ryrie, Charles C.

Revelation.  1968.  Moody Press: Chicago, IL.


Oswald J. Smith, Litt.D.

Prophecy -- What Lies Ahead? 1943.  Marshall, Morgan & Scott, London.


Smith, Chuck (with David Wimbish).

Dateline Earth: Countdown to Eternity.  1989. Chosen Books: Old Tappan, NJ.


Dr. Wilbur Smith

Israeli/Arab Conflict and the Bible.  1967.  G/L Publications, Glendale, CA.


Dr. Charles R. Swindoll, Dr. John F. Walvoord, Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost, et al.

1.       The Road to Armageddon. 1999.  Word Publishers, Nashville, TN.

2.       Daniel: God`s Pattern for the Future. 1976.  Bible Study Guide.  Insight for Living, Fullerton, CA.


Dr. John F. Walvoord

1.        Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East Crisis. 1990. Zondarvan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI.

2.        The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook. 1990. Victor Books, Wheaton, IL.

3.        Major Bible Prophecies.  1991.  Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, MI.

4.  The Revelation of Jesus Christ.  1996.  Moody Press: Chicago, IL.

5.  Prophecy in the New Millenium.  2001.  Kregel Publications: Grand Rapids, MI.


Robin Wright

Sacred Rage: The Wrath of Militant Islam.  1985.  Touchstone Publishers: New York, NY.