Prophecy Scholars League
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Prophecy Scholars League

"About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up, who will turn their attention to the prophecies, in the midst of much clamor and opposition."

-- Sir Isaac Newton, scientist and prophecy scholar.

“These are the numbers of the men armed for battle who came to David at Hebron... men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do -- 200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command. 

-- I Chronicles 12:23 and 32, NIV.

What is the Prophecy Scholars League?

An academic and service club organized around the love of learning about Biblical prophecy and its implications for current and future events.

PSL is a reading and discussion group for ancient prophecy with an eye for its implications for national and global futures.

History of Prophecy Scholars League

We started at Monterey Peninsula College in Spring of 2006.  MPC is located in Monterey, California.  The campus advisor is Daniel S. Fox, Ph.D., a rhetoric professor on campus who teaches public speaking and other courses on communication.  He continues to serve as a campus event advisor for Campus Crusade for Christ (

Future of Prophecy Scholars League

We invite you to create your own PSL chapter where you are located, to lead others in weekly or semi-weekly reading groups.  There are resources on this website that should be helpful, and we will constantly update and add to what is here.  PSL may be as informal as a discussion/study group among believers, or as formalized as a campus club registered with the associated students organization (there is a sample constitution on this site for that purpose, if needed).  It's entirely up the group.

Prophecy Scholars League Mission and Purpose


On the vertical relationship to God:

1.  To Endure to the end (as the Lord challenges each believer in His letters to the seven churches in Revelation 1 and 2).

On the horizontal relationship with others:

2.  To Educate others (to be the watchmen on the city gates, letting others knows what is on the horizon and how they can prepare; to be a "watchman" for our generation).

3.  To Encourage others (to edify, or build people up in the faith; to use prophecy to lighten the spirits of fellow-believers who sometimes get discouraged over the issues and problems of everyday living; to allow prophecy to have an energizing, encouraging effect on others).

4.  To Evangelize others (someone has described evangelizing as "one beggar telling another beggar where to get bread," and that is how we take the message to those who are not yet saved; to share the pardon offered by God through faith in Jesus Christ; to bring the Kingdom of God to people through the gospel message that "you're forgiven, just receive the pardon by faith.")


1.  The study of prophecy, specifically Biblical prophecy as it applies to historical, current and future events;

2.  Reading and discussion of prophecy in relation to current events, public and national policy, and future planning;

3.  Personal development and growth of its members, especially intellectual, social, and spiritual;

4.  Various forms of service to the school, community, state and nation.

Prophecy is history pre-written

We can look three directions at once as we study prophecy; the present, the past, and the future.  The amazing thing about Biblical prophecy is that its incredible accuracy puts us in eternity looking back at, what is for us now, our future.  Think of the prophecy of Cyrus the Great of Persia (559-530 B.C.), whose role, mission and very name were prophecied by God through Isaiah nearly 200 years before Cyrus was born (Isaiah 41:2, 44:28, 45:1).  For Isaiah, this was an incredible view into the future of world history.  It's the same for us today.

About 1/4 of the Bible was prophecy when it was written.

Over half of that has been fulfilled in a literal way.

Amazingly, the track record of Hebrew prophets has been 100 percent accurate.  Because of that Biblical prophecy has been described as being "more current than tomorrow's newspaper."

Biblical Prophecy is Credible.  You can count on it.

How you could benefit from participating in Prophecy Scholars League:

  1. Personal growth and direction in life.
  2. Sense of connection with other Christians on campus.
  3. Greater ability of understand and talk about Biblical prophecy.
  4. An enthusiasm about the times in which we live.
  5. A hopeful outlook on your future.
  6. Activation of your spiritual convictions about the role of the church and the role of Israel in the world.
  7. Increased ability to evaluate current events, especially from a Judeo-Christian perspective.


"It is coming!

It will surely take place, declares the Sovereign LORD.

This is the day I have spoken of."

Ezekiel 39:8


PSL Meeting times/days:

Announcement:  we have decided to postpone this semester's meetings, due to scheduling conflicts.

We'll fire it up again in the Fall, starting with a study through the Minor Prophets.

Location:  MPC Library conference rooms on main floor (preferably 208, east side, or 213, west side; both have 8 seats around the table).

Just look for us; we will post the room number on a small piece of masking tape on the phone just outside the Library doors (Unfortunately, the Lib. staff won't post any notes for groups).


Attention: see Meetings Log page for notes & minutes.


Contact Information:

Dan Fox email:

Monterey Peninsula College

980 Fremont Street

Monterey, California 93940

Bus./Hum. Building Office 103F

(831) 645-1305

MPC email:




I am working on another site at (just click here to go):

It's the amount and types of ads they post here that has become annoying.


FAQs about Prophecy Scholars League:

Why Scholars?

Because we aspire to dedicate ourselves to a systematic, rigorous and scholarly investigation of prophecy.

Why a League?

It's an older term for a society or gathering of people for a particular purpose.  We are not only a campus club but also classify as a Greek society; thus our Greek designators.  We promote service among our members, joining our efforts, as a league, to help those in our community, state and nation.  There are service activities in each of these contexts.

What is C.A.F.E.?

"Current And Future Events."  An acronym for the primary focus of our investigations.  We also like coffee, tea, hot coco -- good drinks to encourage warm conversation.  CAFE describes where we meet on occasion, as well as the kind of open and comfortable atmosphere we encourage among our members.

Why Biblical prophecy specifically?

Because the Bible's fulfilled prophecies to-date have made it the most credible source on the planet.  Because the Bible offers sound frameworks for understanding past, current and future events.  And because we share a common appreciation for the Judeo-Christian worldview.

What would a person be interested in who comes to check out Prophecy Scholars League?


  • The future.
  • Current events.
  • Biblical prophecy fulfilled in our time.

What might a person be looking for who participated in Prophecy Scholars League?


  • A greater understanding of current events.
  • A deeper understanding of Biblical prophecy.
  • Gain confidence in a time of great uncertainty.
  • Peace in the midst of very chaotic days.
  • To deepen their faith in preparation for the future.



Psi Sigma Lambda


PSL may also be considered

a campus Greek society,

although it has not registered with

a parent organization for that purpose. 

Their form of Greek, of course,

is Koine, the common Greek

in which the New Testament

was written.